R E G I S T E R . Y O U R . Q U I E T S O F T™ . P R O D U C T
All QuietSoft™ shareware and commercial products require you to register by entering a valid registration code. Until you do, a dialog box similar to the one shown below will prompt you for registration information each time you open a QuietSoft™ XLL add-in.

Once a valid registration code has been entered, you will never have to enter it again.

R E G I S T E R I N G . S H A R E W A R E . P R O D U C T S
For shareware products, you do not have to register to use the functions, but a five second delay will occur before the functions load. You can download shareware products from this web site on a 30 day trial basis. After the 30 day trial period has expired, the functions will no longer load until you register.

R E G I S T E R I N G . C O M M E R C I A L . P R O D U C T S
For commercial products, the functions will not load at all until you enter the valid registration code that came with your software.

H O W . D O . I . G E T . A . V A L I D . R E G I S T R A T I O N . C O D E?
To obtain a valid registration code for your product, please follow the instructions on the Order Form page.

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